Monday, August 31, 2015

The Microbusiness Difference--A Closer Look!

A Division of Gardner Bank

When it comes to the U.S. economy, size matters. Whether it's Big Business, Big Oil, or Big Banks, scale of operation is clearly a big deal.

As daily media coverage shows, it is the nation's major undertakings and enterprises that occupy the attentions of Washington and Wall Street. For all intents and purposes, it's the performance of the Fortune 500 companies that serves as a barometer for the rest of the economy and tells the rest of us how well or how poorly we are doing.

However, this focus on scale fails to take into account other parts of the economy, such as microbusinesses, which represent 92 percent of all U.S. businesses.

While, by definition, these businesses are small in scale, in the aggregate they are much more significant than most people realize. What's more, they have the potential to be even bigger and to provide the growth and jobs our economy so desperately needs.

It's time to give microbusinesses a closer look.

In 2011, microbusinesses directly accounted for approximately 26 million jobs in the economy. That's more than the total number of individuals employed in the government sector at the local, state and federal levels and more than twice as many who work in the Manufacturing. It is also more than total numbers in the Trade, Transportation and Utilities sector.

In our next two blog pieces--we'll talk about the various ways microbusinesses impact employment in our country.
 (The above from the Association For Enterprise Opportunity--The voice of Microbusiness).

Learn how YOUR business can be featured on our blog and promoted for FREE via our social media platforms/website at .

For more information about our simple and value-based micro business banking products/services visit

Listed as one of the Top 10 Free Checking Accounts by

Friday, August 21, 2015

America's New Entrepreneur--Pyne & Smith Clothier

A Division of Gardner Bank
MICROBUSINESS FACTS: In today's economy, starting a microbusiness is often a necessary and increasingly viable option because of relatively low barriers to entry. For example, a college degree is not required, most business owners who utilize start-up capital, finance their businesses with personal savings, and all ages are represented in microbusiness, with a median age of 50+ for owners.  (Association for Enterprise Opportunity--The Voice of Microbusiness).
Pyne & Smith Collection

My name is Joanna, I am a dressmaker and design and hand make all items in my studio, in a small beach town in southern California. I was taught to sew by my mother & grandmother, and adore the art of dressmaking.
'Pyne & Smith’ clothing is designed & made to be well crafted, beautiful & functional, with a touch of bohemia. I only use linen & cotton, linen being a woven fabric that is breathable & hangs beautifully. Both fabrics are perfect for hot or humid days. Most of my dresses are 'easy fit' meaning they allow for comfort, movement, and breathability. They are tailored to give a clean shape and style. 
 I started 'Pyne & Smith Clothiers’ in January 2015. The previous two years before that I spent working, almost daily, on perfecting a style of dress that was comfortable, beautiful and functional. After making a few I thought were nice, I noticed other people liked them too. I then realized this was something I loved doing everyday,  and would also allow me the time to still be a Mom! So I researched suppliers, equipment, ways I could sell, the time it would take me to make a dress, whether I could provide a range of sizes that would fit a lot of body types, etc.  A lot of research!

I started selling on Etsy in January 2015. I then started to do a flea/art market in Los Angeles, once a month. After seeing that the dresses were selling, I went ahead and opened my website, and I’m really starting to see each of these avenues work out. Etsy is a wonderful place to start out if you take the time to follow their guidelines to sell successfully, such as using key words, tagging your photos, and maintaining your shop. Attending a craft/flea market is also good to have a place that customers can see your physical work.

From these outlets, I was approached by a store owner in New York to carry my dresses, so they are now in New York!
If you are starting out with a new business, I recommend trying various social media platforms out, and seeing which one works best for you. I use Instagram a lot, (@pyneandsmithclothiers) and find it to be a great source to direct potential customers to my website or Etsy shop, but I also have a Pinterest account ( and Facebook page (

Typically you will find one platform you mesh well with and it tends to grow organically from there, as long as you are consistent! Above all, be persistent!
At, we're thrilled to feature businesses like Pyne & Smith Clothiers as our bank customer! Visit her site at

Learn how YOUR business can be featured on our blog and promoted for FREE via our social media platforms/website by calling John at 1-855-856-0233, Ext. 114 today!

For more information about our simple and value-based banking products/services visit

Listed as one of the Top 10 Free Checking Accounts by

Thursday, August 13, 2015

America's New Entrepreneur--Michigan Helicoptors



A Division of Gardner Bank

MICROBUSINESS FACTS: The characteristics of the newcomer type (younger median age, more likely to be women and people of color) reflect what we know about microbusiness: it can be an especially significant economic activity for those demographic groups that have not always shared fully in economic good times and have suffered most during times of recession and sluggish economies. (AEO--Association for EnterpriseOpportunity, The Voice of Microbusiness)

I'm Benjamin Tong. Ever since I took my first helicopter ride over Niagara Falls, I knew that the world of aviation was my calling.…helicopters especially.  In 2005 I took my first discovery flight in a two seater helicopter.  It was amazing!  The freedom to fly, to hover like you are on a magic carpet, was just astounding.  The utility of a helicopter was also mind blowing, how you could land anywhere and go direct from location to location via air travel was so cool.

Over the years of training at different facilities across the United States, and noticing the lack of quality instruction here in Michigan, I thought to myself, I can make a difference.  With my mother being a teacher, and having it in the family genes, I wanted to make flight instruction a pleasurable, safe and quality environment for students.  Basically, nothing like how it was when I was undergoing training.

Currently, many flight schools are quick to get students in and out, barely teaching the minimal requirements to pilot a helicopter.  I wanted to change this.  Helicopters are well documented as being some of the safest aircraft to fly.  They are useful in firefighting operations, EMS, law enforcement, and tour operations.  This only lists a few of the many capabilities of a helicopter.

So hence the birth of Michigan Helicopters. 

We are family run business that specifically deals with helicopters and the multitude of uses that come with piloting them.  If you require a helicopter for a specific business function or looking to obtaining your pilots license or are looking for more advanced and thorough ground training, then Michigan Helicopters will be your best resource to the industry.  Even if you are thinking about purchasing your own helicopter, we offer consulting services. 


If you train at Michigan Helicopters, we expect every one of our staff instructors to provide their very best effort to cultivate each student they are tasked to teach.  Our flight school management does not accept mediocrity as the standard.  The flight instructors here are fully engaged in the success of our clients!

Here at MICHIGAN HELICOPTERS, our instructors are engaged and passionate in providing quality education, as well as promoting safe aviation in our students.  We have multiple locations in Southeastern Michigan and North central Ohio that are open 7 days a week.  Stop on in, we’d love to share our passion of helicopter aviation with you.   WWW.MIHELO.COM

At, we're thrilled to feature businesses like Michigan Helicopters as our bank customer!

Learn how YOUR business can be featured on our blog and promoted for FREE via our social media platforms/website by calling John at 1-855-856-0233, Ext. 114 today!

For more information about our simple and value-based banking products/services visit

Listed as one of the Top 10 Free Checking Accounts by

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mobile Transaction Services Propel Microbusiness Sales!





A Division of Gardner Bank

MICROBUSINESS FACTS: As the US economy evolves, microbusinesses are well-poised to capitalize on non-standard work arrangements and recent technological advances in our labor market and broader economy.  (AEO--Association for EnterpriseOpportunity, The Voice of Microbusiness)

Times were when you used to have customers come in to your storefront, pay cash, check or credit card for purchases, then leave.

Today--exciting technologies in both mobile devices, banking and card payment services allow micro business owners the freedom to expand customer payment options nationwide.

In addition to mobile checking and savings accounts and services--card processing or "merchant services" allow microbusiness owners to offer more convenient payment methods for their customers.

By offering more traditional "swiping" card reader devices (soon to be able to take the more secure "chip" credit cards), mobile devices are now being used by micro businesses to conduct business seamlessly, securely and simply.

In addition to "swiping", Gardner Bank's card processing let's micro business owners use a virtual "cash register".

Deposits are made from the virtual "cash register" within 48 hours with these options--and micro business owners know instantaneously via electronic receipt that they've been accepted.

 Businesses that accept all forms of payment will insure that Millennials will do business with you--as 69% have indicated they will NOT shop at businesses that accept only cash/checks.(Intuit WePay Survey).

According to some estimates--businesses lose up to 80% in impulse purchases by not accepting debit/credit cards.

At, we're pleased to be America's first community microbusiness bank supporting these leading edge mobile online technologies--allowing our customers the freedom to conduct business online and mobile devices, nationwide--all the time.

Stay tuned for updates on some of our newer offerings to help our customers maximize their profits efficiently!

Learn how YOUR business can be featured on our blog and promoted for FREE via our social media platforms/website by calling John at 1-855-856-0233, Ext. 114 today!

For more information about our simple and value-based banking products/services visit

Listed as one of the Top 10 Free Checking Accounts by

Thursday, August 6, 2015

America's New Entrepreneur--Amy's Handmade Jewelry

MICROBUSINESS FACTS: 26 million direct jobs come from microbusinesses, 1.9 million indirect jobs and 13.4 million induced jobs. (AEO--Association for EnterpriseOpportunity, The Voice of Microbusiness)

Small Business Bank Microbusiness Featured Customer:

Amy's Handmade Jewelry


I started making jewelry in 2009 after I got a piece of "junk mail" from a jewelry kit-of-the-month club. I was about to throw it away when I suddenly just knew that is what I was supposed to do!
I had been searching for a way to make a living from home and was doing online surveys and going to focus groups and taste tests. I had also tried my hand at multiple level marketing companies like Herbalife, with little success.
I wanted to sell something that I had created instead of convincing myself and others how wonderful someone else's product was.
I started as Amy's Handmade Notions with a site on Etsy and a free YOLA website.  A while later, I changed the name to Amy's Handmade Gifts and branched out in various directions. , including Merchant Circle, Etsy and Tophatter.
In 2011 I purchased a StoresOnline e-commerce website.
I also participate in local craft shows and am a regular vendor at a local Farmer's Market.
In 2015 I graduated from the New York Institute of Art & Design as a Certified Designer/Maker of Beadwork and Jewelry.
I am currently working on growing my company as a provider of quality unique home décor as well as jewelry and gifts.
My biggest challenge is to expand my presence through advertising and promotion with a very limited budget.
Small Business Bank helped me by making it possible to open a small business account along with a card swipe device--which is a must-have at events!
My dream is to someday open a brick-and-mortar gift shop.
I love to read and spend time with my wonderful husband of 13 years, Chris and our adorable cats, Lilly and Faith.
In the evenings I share a Christian music concept called "Joyful Noise" on social media.

We at are proud to be associated with Amy's Handmade Jewelry--one of the many micro business pro's we try to help every day realize their dreams of freedom and success. Visit her website:
Learn how YOUR business can be featured on our blog and promoted for FREE via our social media platforms/website by calling John at 1-855-856-0233, Ext. 114 today!  

Learn more about our simple and value-based banking products/services at 





Tuesday, August 4, 2015

America's New Entrepreneur--Center Cut Doughnuts

A Division of Gardner Bank
MICROBUSINESS FACTS: For newcomers, with no previous business experience and less than four years in operation, to full-timers with $50,000+ in sales and receipts--micro business owners are committed to succeeding in business. (Association for Enterprise Opportunity--The Voice of Microbusiness).
My name is Josh Kowitz.  My company that I started in early 2015 is Center Cut Doughnuts.  We are a small doughnut operation that is featured at the Hampden Farmers’ Market, a neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland.  We create gourmet, forward-thinking doughnuts such as Brown Butter, Key Lime Pie, Lavender, & Oreo Cheesecake to name a few.  I got the idea of starting a doughnut business in Baltimore from travelling for work, and my love of doughnuts. 
 I would go to major cities across the country and seek out the local doughnut shops to see what they offered.  I thought my hometown, being as quirky as it is, needed a place like that.  So I took some time to perfect my yeast-raised dough until I had a consistent product, which ended up being amazing.  My co-workers told me that I could sell the doughnuts and I did.
The Farmers’ Market has been a huge success, being lauded in local publications, which I could’ve never imagined.  Every one of my customers is asking when a brick-and-mortar shop will open, and I am working towards that goal, hopefully, by the end of the year. 
My advice for any small business owners, or people looking to start one, is to not be deterred.  I had many doubters along the way, saying I had no restaurant/baking experience, but you can do things your way and make it work!  And don’t be afraid to crack some eggs.  You have to make a mess to create something beautiful and I think I have something beautiful on my hands.  Just keep pushing! 
At SBB--we salute Josh's courage and determination to begin his own business.
Learn how YOUR business can be featured on our blog and promoted for FREE via our social media platforms/website by calling John at 1-855-856-0233, Ext. 114 today! 
For more information about our products and services for micro business owners, visit