Thursday, August 13, 2015

America's New Entrepreneur--Michigan Helicoptors



A Division of Gardner Bank

MICROBUSINESS FACTS: The characteristics of the newcomer type (younger median age, more likely to be women and people of color) reflect what we know about microbusiness: it can be an especially significant economic activity for those demographic groups that have not always shared fully in economic good times and have suffered most during times of recession and sluggish economies. (AEO--Association for EnterpriseOpportunity, The Voice of Microbusiness)

I'm Benjamin Tong. Ever since I took my first helicopter ride over Niagara Falls, I knew that the world of aviation was my calling.…helicopters especially.  In 2005 I took my first discovery flight in a two seater helicopter.  It was amazing!  The freedom to fly, to hover like you are on a magic carpet, was just astounding.  The utility of a helicopter was also mind blowing, how you could land anywhere and go direct from location to location via air travel was so cool.

Over the years of training at different facilities across the United States, and noticing the lack of quality instruction here in Michigan, I thought to myself, I can make a difference.  With my mother being a teacher, and having it in the family genes, I wanted to make flight instruction a pleasurable, safe and quality environment for students.  Basically, nothing like how it was when I was undergoing training.

Currently, many flight schools are quick to get students in and out, barely teaching the minimal requirements to pilot a helicopter.  I wanted to change this.  Helicopters are well documented as being some of the safest aircraft to fly.  They are useful in firefighting operations, EMS, law enforcement, and tour operations.  This only lists a few of the many capabilities of a helicopter.

So hence the birth of Michigan Helicopters. 

We are family run business that specifically deals with helicopters and the multitude of uses that come with piloting them.  If you require a helicopter for a specific business function or looking to obtaining your pilots license or are looking for more advanced and thorough ground training, then Michigan Helicopters will be your best resource to the industry.  Even if you are thinking about purchasing your own helicopter, we offer consulting services. 


If you train at Michigan Helicopters, we expect every one of our staff instructors to provide their very best effort to cultivate each student they are tasked to teach.  Our flight school management does not accept mediocrity as the standard.  The flight instructors here are fully engaged in the success of our clients!

Here at MICHIGAN HELICOPTERS, our instructors are engaged and passionate in providing quality education, as well as promoting safe aviation in our students.  We have multiple locations in Southeastern Michigan and North central Ohio that are open 7 days a week.  Stop on in, we’d love to share our passion of helicopter aviation with you.   WWW.MIHELO.COM

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